
Thursday, November 19, 2015

Our last three days in China!

These two have been working hard for the last two weeks on getting their socks and shoes on and off. I must say with this kind of determination for a simple task such as this they bode well for the hurdles they will face in the years to come. They can both get their socks and shoes off and their socks and shoes on! Good job little people!

Tuesday (China time)

We had some down time from appointments and such so we decide to walk to a park that other families had mentioned. Wow, it was beautiful! A definite oasis in this busy city!

These next three pictures are an example of what happens when we leave our hotel. (Just so you get a real idea. They were within 30 steps of each other.) This is how blatant the people are in their wonder of why the heck we have two Chinese children with wonky limbs. I just give a big smile and "Hello!"

(this guy is literally pointing!)

(full head turn towards us and staring while walking)

(stopped in her tracks to take a look while we pass)

I just thought this sign was funny.

These two are some of my favorite shots of the day! One of the things in our guy's file said eh couldn't climb stairs. Well we tried it out at the park and up he went. Way to go buddy! I think this was his first time on a slide, or at least it seemed.

I think he liked it!

We noticed this when we were leaving the park. These guys are writing in Chinese calligraphy with water and a huge paint brush on the side walk. There were quite a few of them. Of course we can't read it but how beautiful!

These two goofs. We went on a walk before dinner to the inside play room. They wanted to "walk" their two stings down too.

Wednesday (China time)

We got the negative result call for our little man's TB blood test Tuesday afternoon. Check! So Wednesday we were off the the American Consulate. No cameras allowed but all went well and pretty fast. We have what we need to get our family home.

Later that morning we gathered for the group picture and final group meeting.

The infamous stairs pictures. So fun and what a big group! It was such a FANTASTIC group to be a part of! I look forward to keeping up on their families in the coming months and seeing their precious Chinese children grow and develop into who God has designed them to be!
(We're int eh upper right corner)
Endless possibilities y'all! 

11 families

This was so cute! Daddy-O forgot something in the room so the kids and I waited in the hallway. Little man wandered back to the correct room, several doors down the hallway, and started knocking for daddy.

Look at his face when his daddy emerged! Huge smile!

The slide seems new to Ty but he does love it.
I love that Ty is clear in this pic but everything else is blurry.

Holding on tight to daddy while we explore the gardens on the fourth floor of the hotel before dinner.
I love this. Safety in his daddy's arms!

Thursday (China time)

 We found another garden near our hotel today. We had the entire day off (with the exception of collecting our final paperwork from our guides at 4:20pm). It felt to good to meander to breakfast, wander the halls of the hotel, wander the streets of Guangzhou looking for a few last souvenirs for our big kids.

This man walk "walking" his duck! Only in China. ha!

We saw this at both parks. It's a group of people gathered under a small structure sitting and singing, while being lead by an instructor of some sort. It was beautiful music and added a fun element to the beautiful scenery. This group even had a woman playing an accordion. The man in the red shirt, in front, is pointing to the music hanging on that easel.

After the park we decided to go around the block to get back to our hotel. We spotted this alley on our way and decided to head that'a-way.

It was actual China.

The everyday people in their natural, everyday environment. Not the big hotel, taxi-honking, large tour bus-driving, 5-star buffet, Starbucks-kind of China. Instead the average hole-in-the-wall store front owner, laundry handing from your window, selling mops and brooms, raw meat hanging from spikes kind of China. 

Very interesting! We were so glad that we stumbled across this back alley! It seems that every once in a while there will be a small road leading from the main street into an area such as this.

One of the eclectic shops.

I spotted this guy on our way back. His bicycle (you can't even see it from here) is completely covered with new mops, brooms and buckets. He needs to get around that stopped bus so he is walking IN the lanes that the cars and busses and taxis go! Holy cow, the guts of some of these guys! He really has no other choice.

As our last day and night in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China we skyped with our big kids on last time. I was so happy to get all 5 of our kids in one shot. You may not be able to tell but the littles' faces are in the bottom corner. We are SO EXCITED to see our big kids. They have had a great two weeks as well but we are more than ready to be reunited.

Thank you 100x over for all of your prayers and words of encouragement as we prepared and traveled to get Ty. 

And once again, like last year, please show your care for our family and Ty by giving him space and time to adjust when we get home.

Please DO NOT:
touch him
pick him up
offer him food

He is doing SO WELL but has been through a lot over the past two weeks. He still needs time to bond with us as his parents and sole providers. It would be confusing for him to have his needs met from another person for a while. We appreciate your understanding and know that he will love interacting with you just as soon as he is ready.

love, us7 ;)

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Bath time a success, Medical day and Pearl River Cruise

Sunday (China time)

After being with us for almost a week Ty finally decided he loved the bath. What a relief. We thought it could take up to a month before he gave in in this area with how he had reacted so far. We're so proud of him, yet again, for his courage to take another step of trusting us. Do you see LH's face. He was splashing so much almost every picture of her is like this...water all up in her face.
Oh brothers! ;)

Monday (China time)

This is a picture on our way to the visa picture and medical appointment. I don't think any new-adoptive parent was looking forward to this day. We were all happy to complete another step but not the wait or the poking and prodding of our already scared kids.
What a big week it had already been for these little guys.

It started with the visa picture for all of the kids. The photographer tried to move Ty's book because it was too close to his face. He LOST IT!
That was right before we went into the medical appointment. Darn!

 Because of our little guy's age he had four stations to complete for his medical exam.
You could do them in any order for the first three and then the TB blood test (for all children over 2 years old) was last. 

Here he is at the weight, height and temperature station. He did ok for a few minutes, maybe 2, then the screams started. The nurse was so sweet with him. She stroked his face and talked to him. It didn't help too much so I just said to lay him down quickly for his height and then he's be finished. They did his height laying down because of his short leg.

He's about 31 lbs.

Getting consoled by daddy. This was actually really cool because since we received Ty he has always slumped his back and leaned his head back when he was upset. For the first time, on the medical day, he leaned his head onto daddy's chest while crying. A sure sign that he is getting more comfortable and wants comfort from us in hard moments!

Next up was the ENT. I don't think he cried at all during this one. I remember this doctor from last year. He sure didn't want the tongue depressor going in his mouth though.

Our third step was the general screening. Ty was super nervous with this because he had to lay on the table and be undressed. The doc let me dress him when he was finished. At this time our little girl was about done with everyone around her crying even though she didn't get poked or prodded at all and was crying for me. So daddy took Ty and I picked her up. Exhausting for all involved for sure! 

We saved the two suckers that another mom gave us for after he TB blood test. For this part the kids are taken from us into another room with the door closed. Hard but good. Then we can comfort them when they come out. When I told daddy-O about this after I heard I almost started to cry. Yet another separation from someone who they have just built trust with. These poor little people.
So much to process in such a short time! A few kids were in this particular room for up to 20 minutes because they couldn't get a vein. I think some of the kids were really dehydrated. Luckily our little guy was in and our in about 4 minutes. Praise the Lord!
He does seem to have come to us pretty healthy.

 Monday evening (China time)

Since Monday he has started to touch our arms softly or rest his hand on us in a sweet way.
Little steps of closeness. With me at least he tends to lay his hand down on my arm and then look up as if to ask with his eyes,"Is this ok?"

Last year we opted out of the river cruise so we thought we would give it a go this year. The kids were both doing well, the weather was way better than last year and it was something to do. It was really fun. Most of our group went as well and our guides. So much money, like millions of dollars, was put into lighting the buildings and bridges along the river.  It was a fun experience and fun to go to the top of the boat for about 20 minutes and feel the breeze. The kids both loved it.

When we were on the top deck a Chinese man asked to take my picture with our little girl. I said sure with a smile and shaking of my head. about 5 minutes later he wanted to show me his phone. I thought he was going to ask to email me the picture or something. I looked at the phone and he had typed out in Mandarin, then translated something like "Thank you for your selfless love. Many blessings and peace to you." Wow! How sweet for him to take the time to do that.

One thing that we have learned from our travels her these two times and from our guides is that the Chinese people really are glad that the children are being adopted and thankful. They are so happy that they will have loving families and a future. In their curiosity there is love.


With each day our little guy gets down from our lap more and explores a little farther. He was walking around the boat a bit next to us.

Towards the end of our time on the boat there was a small magic show on the second floor.
A fun way to end the long day. 

Saturday, November 14, 2015

traveling to Guangzhou (Day 6 with Ty) & Touring in Guangzhou

What a loooooong day yesterday was! 

 The kids are all packed up and ready to head downstairs for our van. LH is tickling SOC to get him to smile just as we do. Funny girl. They LOVE their backpacks!

Our morning went well as usual but by 10 am we were downstairs with all of our luggage and our two kiddos to head to the airport. Our last week awaited us in another city. So off we went. Our ride to the airport was quick and we were two hours early to our flight...good and bad. Two hours of waiting with two little ones in an airport is, well, you fill in the blank, and at lunch time to boot. Our plane was due to leave at 1:05 pm. It's a four hour flight from Shenyang, Liaoning to Guangzhou, Guangdong. We were leaving the extremely polluted air in a city of 10 million people to go to a city with some haze and 17 million people.

Anyhow after making quite a spectacle of ourselves at the airport (this includes stares from every.single.person that passes us, the cleaning lady at the restroom calling over two other cleaning ladies to come view the children in the stroller while daddy-O waited for me, people literally stopping in their tracks...) we made it onto the plane. One of the cutest things was when were looking for our counter with our guide before heading to the boarding gate daddy-O and our guide got ahead of me and the kids a bit. Ty called out to him,"DaDa!" Awesome!

Getting onto the plane was crazy crowded! Not normal crowded where people file onto the plane, find their seat and sit quietly until the plane is full. No. Like people moving like ants at a picnic, rushing, squeezing in small spaces, going way too far into the plane (like to row 15) and having to come back to row 5. What? Who does that. They don't seem to mind that you have a tiny 2 year old walking down the isle. Anyhow, we made it into our seats. I set LH down...then it was daddy's turn to set Ty down and get into his seat. Shoot, bad move! SCREAMS, ear-piercing, not quite as bad but not great for a crowded airplane. Poor guy. There was SO MUCH happening at one time. Too much for him. Daddy quickly took off his backpack and picked up his new son. Safe in his arms, Ty settled rather quickly considering. Ty became a lap-seat. Oh well. He didn't move from daddy's lap for FOUR HOURS!

Our "darling" two-year old, who was over tired and sitting next to the window, was restless for the first two hours. She just couldn't settle. After about an hour Ty woke up and after two hours LH finally fell asleep. They traded off sleeping but at least they both slept some.

We were not looking forward to disembarking because we had to give our stroller to go under the plane. They assured us that it would be at baggage claim. Oh great, thanks! That means we had to carry these two all the way to baggage claim! Ahh! Oh well, here we go! Put those arm muscles to work.

We were greeted by our next guide after getting our bags. We were so happy to see our guide from last year. A friendly face, not a staring face. Although they mean well and are very sweet I was kind of getting tired of the stares.

We finally back to our room at 7pm. Whew, what a day! We figured this was our warm-up for the even longer travels home in a week.

I thought this was so cute last year. It was in our room. They are prepared.

This morning, while in the lobby waiting for our group, one of the guides mentioned to me that it seemed like Ty had been with us over a year. Wow! She sees a lot of families pass through this city on their way back to the states. That was awesome to hear!

Touring today. It was so nice to get out and about with the other families. This hotel definitely has the best breakfast buffet as it hosts people from all over the world.

Some of you may remember the picture of the 6 of us last year on these stairs. I was so happy to come across them again on our tour.

 He actually wanted to get down out of the carrier. So cool.
More progress! It was minion shirt day. ;)

For some reason LH really wanted to touch these elephants.
She kept saying,"Two e-fants, two e-fants."

It's not that often that our boy stands tall on his longer leg. I was able to get this shot so you guys can see just how big the discrepancy is. Inches. When he is on his short leg these two are about the same height but on his longer leg he is much taller!
Pretty soon little man you will be "standing tall" all of the time.

One of the things I am looking forward to the most is the first time he stands up straight and walks. Get the tissue!

  I love this picture of us! He just sparkles!

 Tickles with mom.

More fun with dad while we wait. Look at him fly.
He is getting more and more comfortable with each day! Daddy asks,"More?" His response,"Mo!"

He was wanting down again. So cool!

  A visit to the grocery for snacks, diapers and wipes. Ummm, did you want some meat?

While we waited on the bus for the other families these two sat across the isle from us with snacks and their water cups. More growth!

Coloring and stickers in the room while we waited for dad to fix our noodles. We have opted for Cup-o-Noodles and snacks most lunches because it's cheap and fast so we can get them down for a nap. This is the first day that he has colored and the first day that when I said,"It's nap time" he went right to his bed and laid down. LH was harder to get down today. He handed his sister her cup and backpack, rolled up in his blanket, with us backpack, started sucking his thumb and fell right to sleep. More growth! Every other day he has napped on our bed after playing quietly for 20 minutes.

This week we have the following to look forward to:
--medical exam (just a blood draw, no shots)
--visa paperwork
--consulate appointment
--river cruise
--touring Guangzhou
--two restaurants that we like in this city

That's all for now. :)