"1 month an Obwald"
We have had Ty with us for one month an a day and he has been officially an Obwald for 1 full month. Wow, what a whirlwind! He has already grown in so many ways! There will forever be unanswered questions about his first 4 years of life but what we know for sure is that he was meant to be in a family...our family.
And it just dawned on me that we "locked" his file one year ago today! CRAZY! Yes, crazy!
{Ty this past week}
It's so interesting to watch him take in new experiences, sights, smells, foods and sounds. I'm not sure what his first four years of life looked like in the orphanage but it seems that his exposure to things we are used to, and our kids are used to, were quite minimal. Here is a short list of some things that seemed new to Ty since he has been with us (keep in mind that he is 4 years old)...
--eating with a spoon
--eating with a fork
--drinking from a straw
--any form of transportation
--dogs (or any animals for that matter)
--using the potty
...to name a few
With all of these new things, on top of learning a new language and being dropped in a new family and culture, you can only imagine what newly adopted children go through. Even though he is doing very well, better than we expected, please continue to pray for our little guy and our family as we build trust, set boundaries, and attach to each other as only families can do.
There are hard moments, hours, days...nap time is a little too short sometimes but we are working it through as a family and in it to WIN IT! ;) In those hard moments we are often given the gift of his little sparkly smile to follow it up. Thank you Lord for the small but great blessings.
orphan no more