
Monday, November 24, 2014

Our baby, not our baby

After making last month's post I was struck that I just wrote about Lightening Baby's milestones, her personality, our adventures with her, our delight that she has joined our family...then tears as I said to my hubs,"She's our baby...but not our baby." (weeping) I was overwhelmed with thoughts of her mother missing out on her learning to walk and talk and discover the world. This girl is overcoming each and everyday. We are the ones that are watching history being made with her! Her mother is missing it! (Sadness! More tears!) She's missing all of this fun and all of the craziness of having an 18 month old firecracker of a girl. I can't imagine missing those times with my children! Oh my goodness, that would be heartbreaking!

There is so much joy with this girl...everyday she makes us laugh. We can't help but kiss her and snuggle her (when you can catch her). But to think that her biological mother (and maybe father, who knows if he knows she is in this world) are missing it all is hard right along with all of the joy. I know that she will never forget her daughter as her birthday rolls around.

Even in this crazy world I can't believe that a mother would forget her child or that the ache of not being with her would ever end. And so we pray for and thank Lightening Baby's birth mother for choosing LIFE for her. There are other choices to make but she CHOSE LIFE. And look what God did! An amazing girl who will change the world!

You know how people say,"Our kids are just on lone to us. We raise them the best we can but ultimately they are God's." For me that is such a true statement with this little one. I did not carry her in my womb or birth her. But...I have been given the privilege and responsibility to raise her for someone else. For whatever reason her biological mother could not fill that role in her life. I will! It feels different than my bio even bigger responsibility. Here we go girl, let's live BIG and bless others!

Even in the short time with our family this little girl has blessed so many. Her smile is infectious and her wave makes you feel special. She is a smart and determined little lightening bolt.

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