She brings so much joy to our family; we are so thankful!
Here is what she's been up to.
She says:
-co (for her brother)
-li (for light)
-whoo shoo (when she's getting a poopy diaper changed)
-kiki (for her oldest sister)
She signs:
-more food me outside
-Baby Signing Time
-all done
-please water

Baby girl is learning so much! She is playing in the dirt in our from yard in these pictures. I have gotten the idea that she didn't go outside a whole lot. Grass was new, and scary at first, to her. She has gotten more daring in the yard, which is fun. Now, when the door is open, she wants to head out. It's nice that the weather has been so nice.
Enjoying the play structure in just her diaper. Pretty darn cute!
She enjoyed the play structure at Dry Creek park last week. We went with some friends but she slept the whole time. When it was time for the big kids to head off to piano we stayed and I let her explore a bit. She likes to go down the slide and LOVES the swings!
Her walking has really picked up! Just last week I said to someone that she still uses crawling as her go-to to get somewhere quickly. The very next day she started walking a whole lot more. Since then she walks around the house quite a bit and when holding her she tries to get down and walk. It's so fun to be a part of her development!
We are still trying to figure out her needs and what is too much for her. Last week was a hard week. We are usually a family that is on-the-go A LOT! So figuring in a 1 year old that used to be an orphan takes some doing. Please continue to pray for our family of 6 as she leans to us for comfort, support and love.
Night times continue to be hard for our littlest. We pray for peaceful sleep for her...and us! We are trying to get her to bed by 7:30p after a bottle and snuggle. She goes down great but is restless by 11:30p. Last night she was up at 11:45p, 1:00a, 1:45a, 3:30a and finally at 4:55a, after fussing, I got her up and slept on the couch with her until 7am. Holy Moly! One good thing is that we don't have to go on a walk everyday to get her to nap. She goes down easily in her crib for an afternoon nap after lunch.
We are excited to travel to Shriner's Hospital in a few weeks for her lower extremities evaluation. They were unable to get her lower and upper scheduled on the same day so we will return in December for her upper evaluation. We are excited to get their perspective.
Mondays, for the past month, have been very difficult. I'm not sure why. The big kids have had extreme difficulty with their attitude in school and I have lost patience! Please pray for tomorrow! We are all hoping it goes MUCH MUCH better! :)
Other than that the big kids are doing really well. They are enjoying their activities and LOVING having a baby in the house.
One thing I have been trying to get Baby Lightening used to is staying in her seat after breakfast while the big kids each read her a book. It gives us all a small break from running after her around the house. It is also a great way to build her vocabulary as well as teach the big kids patience, flexibility and how to not just read a book to a baby but point things out, explain things, make sound effects...
The other day we took a package to the post office. This is the same post office we mailed many-a-package to our agency and our baby. It was fun to be there WITH her! Instead of holding the package we were sending they are holding her! So fun!
"Its been a good experience seeing what she likes and what she wants.
She is a really fun second sister and I'm glad she's her." Jumping Joy-7
She wanted to "write on the blog" and I'm so glad she did. :)
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