
Friday, April 11, 2014

organizing your student sheets & looseleaf copies

Each year in the summer (or late spring) I look through our curriculum for the following school year and decide which copies need to be made. (I put sticky notes on the pages sticking out of the book so I can get to them quickly.) Then I make the copies, paperclip each child's papers together for each day and file them in date order in my file holder. If there are student sheets that come with our curriculum I put those in their own folder with each child's name on it. Depending how many student sheets there are you could separate them into your paperclips as well.

When we start the school year and start using the copies/student sheets we keep them in clear sheets in a "fancy binder" until the end of the year.

{More about what we do at the end of the year to keep their special work for our records and to use as reference material. Stay tuned for the next video.}

1 comment:

  1. I like that idea of binding their work at the end of the year. I should do that with my grown girls' paperwork and my grandson's.
